
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

segaris :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JarggASS!! ops DK ZAYASMALINA PG YAMIN :)) I reached a bit late to wish you for your birthday :( *a bit zati!!??? :< tekarang~ haha*

20/10/2011..bnrnya, i was planning to wall you pukul 8.12 pm msa ur birthday sariatu. so that it would appear jd like this. 20/10/2011 at 20.12 ----> 2010.2011.2012 tpi i had something up that nite kali lupa tiaku :(((

Anyway selamat 'telat' hari jadi juga kepada NURDIYANA MISLI serta RASYIDAH JOFFRI AND selamat 'bakal' harijadi kepada DK AZHIMAH SAHAR. semoga semuanya panjang umur, murah rezeki, elok kesihatan, bahagia berpanjangan, hidup penuh keberkatan. I wish you guys a happy and cheerful life ahead. Live every moment, today and always <333

ANNDDD~ a verry good luck to you all. exam fever hangat terasa. jgn sampai demam bnar2. jaga kesihatan, sleep well, eat well. habis sudh ayat2 ku. maka ku berhentikan saja sampai setakat ini.

BUT, ani ani ani aku suka :)))

"Sesunguhnya kamu akan dapat melihat Allah SWT seperti mana kamu melihat bulan ini. Kamu tidak akan bersesak-sesak untuk melihatNya" Riwayat Al Bukhari. :')

"memang sukar menyedarkan orang dari tidur, sukar lagi menyedarkan orang yang sudah bangun" :')

and last

"People hurt you, God will heal you. People humiliate you, God will magnify you. People judge you, God will justify you"


Friday, October 7, 2011


hello people, i was fooling around arah tumblr and then i saw this post about creativity, by using a baby named Mila :)

then aku googled the baby's mama punya nama and found her blog. I AM MIND BLOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWN pasal ia creative banar-banar :D
arah google banyak tu gambar baby nya yang ia tambah-tambah.

the mama punya nama Adele Enersen.
and this is her blog :
or just google Adele Enersen, you'll find her.
liat image lah jua arah google, that's her babyyyyyyyyy <3

so, keep on dreaming but the best way to make your dream come true is by waking up :)
sssseh deep.
okay, have a good day !