
Saturday, September 18, 2010


anyone of you kenal Jimi Hendrix ? :)

ia nigga pulang, dah mati for 40 years, matinya 18th Sept. yeahp, celebrate the day :)

he's ma homie, a great guitarist of all time.

he played rock and roll, that blues riffs and all. and he had that deep sh*t voice, yang buat kamu kambang bulu ~

if you guys watch his videos, bajunya fit berabis. duhhh namanya zaman dulu :)

what's amazing bout him.....ummm because of him and caranya main guitar, yang lain daripada lain style and skillnya, buat new evolution in guitar world....ROCK music especially

after him, ramai guitarists copied ia pasal the skills atu lawa wah. if you guys check out yngwie malmsteen and joe satriani, they sound like hendrix. but lebih rock, lebih headbanging and less groovy.

aku inda pulang minat hendrix to the max, pasal ia macam perogol and ugh..... hahaha.

just wanna share this though i know you girls don't even care bout ROCK music, pasal mostly minat pop and indie :)

i really love METALLICA, of all rock, eyes-bursting bands.

and then BLACK SABBATH. and IRON MAIDEN. and a bit of SLAYER and malaysian punya band named AMUK, or CROMOK.

different people, different taste meh

and i do like ROCK METAL, tapi not all. mun ia sampai beteriak, sama killer drumrolls yang samak bunyinya memang dapat rejectionku, like some of slayer's songs, membarikan menampar cymbals ah arah kepalanya

and aku minat rock songs dari 50s-90s, pasal durang genuine and suci, unlike sekarang, so pseudo and polluted, with all the f*ck words, heh

aku ngalih main guitar sudah. kan pindah drum ku :) but no drum kit ah, cemana kan main. pakai meja saja

oh, and i dislike MEGADETH pasal the lead vocalist + rhythm guitarist atu musuh metallica, so yeaaaah

and jangan fikir i don't like pop songs. i do. and R&B lawa jua :) and no punk music, please. classical and 70's, 80's country music are waaaaay lawa-er than nowadays punya. try Johnny Cash :)

gila, mumbling aku ani pasal apa yang ku minat. hahah sorry sorry


kita suka dengar muzik, tapi hanya sedikit yang menghayatinya

there's always a story behind every song....
lemme end ma pointless, boring speech here, homie. g'night yo

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