Today we had our p1 BM and chem marks, MathsD and English overall marks for the QE paper. It was ehhh... =p I dunno what to feel about it but then I got worried since these subjects ane important juakn~
I feel slightly guilty for no reason~ I dunno~ I told Gymah about it plg but nyeh~ entah~ Mcm you guys at least ada study~ but then y'know~ entah~ I dunno =p I'll get over it sooner or later :)
Neway to those yg inda satisfied with the marks, sabar =) Think positive, there's still 30% marks yg kena ambil dari our works this year :) Cheer up! Jgnth mrh2 nanti~ Aku takut plg tadi, kinda worried jua for all of us~ Yth~ baca tu gambar ah!! :D Jgn give up! We can do better than this! You guys will be fine :) Amin~
To sarr: Woahhh!! Last post mu posted pkul '2.46pm' Oooo~ suspend! But I like the number :) If tambah 8 lagi Ooo~ :D
Will try to update the banner nanti~ ntah~ Ngalih ku now =p
Btw~ pelik sdh~ btw sdh~ now mcm entah lagi bnyak =p Antam sja lah~
And oh! =D Hello Zati, Farah, Qilah and Diyana ;)
To sarr: Woahhh!! Last post mu posted pkul '2.46pm' Oooo~ suspend! But I like the number :) If tambah 8 lagi Ooo~ :D
HAHAHAH awu wah, baru i sedar 246 :O atu jar, i like the pic :) hahahah aku ingau masih walaupun aku ketawa saja :p