okay not really but then again you never know :)
So I have dental tomorrow but my beautiful mother misplaced my card :) I am so dead.
So yesh on that note esok aku probably datang petang saja or around 10-ish :3
stress jua banar DnT ani =w=
Pada ketika ini saya sedang membuat post ini sambil memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyelesaikan masalah matematik yang diberi oleh Cikgu A Maths kita. :D tak faham langsung =w= oh tidak~
Dengan itu selesailah post saya :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Shooting star!
I've seen a shooting star before! twice :) It was spectacular! warna putih :) ku liat masa the day before raya ( malam pukul ) and that was last year. indaku tau ah if atu jin apa XD HAHAHAH! tapi laju ah and wow, lawa~ aku mau buat wish, but kakaku marah. Katanya syirik tu kalau percaya benda lain selain dari Allah SWT * but HEHE, aku buat jua, just for fun! *
Really wish to see another one this year. Aku mau telescope :/
aku saja mau update this blog :) aku malas kan upload video, esuk-esuktah.
aku sayang kamu-kamu ah :D
Gee :3
Really wish to see another one this year. Aku mau telescope :/
aku saja mau update this blog :) aku malas kan upload video, esuk-esuktah.
aku sayang kamu-kamu ah :D
Gee :3
Pack up
I get tired
And upset
And i’m trying to care a little less
When I google I only get depressed
I wast taught to dodge those issues I was told
Don’t worry
There’s no doubt
There’s always something to cry about
When you’re stuck in an angry crowd
They don’t think what they say before they open their mouths
Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag
And bury them beneath the sea
I don’t care what the people may say
What the people may say about me
Pack up your troubles get your old grin back
Don’t worry ’bout the cavalry
I don’t care what the whisperers say
Cos’ they whisper too loud for me.
Hot topic
Maybe I should drop it
It’s a touchy subject
And I like to tiptoe round the tiff goin’ down
You got penny, but no pound
Your business is running out
‘not my business to talk about
They don’t think what they say before they open their mouths.
And upset
And i’m trying to care a little less
When I google I only get depressed
I wast taught to dodge those issues I was told
Don’t worry
There’s no doubt
There’s always something to cry about
When you’re stuck in an angry crowd
They don’t think what they say before they open their mouths
Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag
And bury them beneath the sea
I don’t care what the people may say
What the people may say about me
Pack up your troubles get your old grin back
Don’t worry ’bout the cavalry
I don’t care what the whisperers say
Cos’ they whisper too loud for me.
Hot topic
Maybe I should drop it
It’s a touchy subject
And I like to tiptoe round the tiff goin’ down
You got penny, but no pound
Your business is running out
‘not my business to talk about
They don’t think what they say before they open their mouths.
Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag
And bury them beneath the sea
I don’t care what the people may say
What the people may say about me
Pack up your troubles get your old grin back
Don’t worry ’bout the cavalry
I don’t care what the whisperers say
Cos’ they whisper too loud for me.
Tweet tweet
Tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag
And bury them beneath the sea
I don’t care what the people may say
What the people may say about me
Pack up your troubles get your old grin back
Don’t worry ’bout the cavalry
I don’t care what the whisperers say
Cos’ they whisper too loud for me.
Yeahh yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag
And bury them beneath the sea
I don’t care what the people may say
What the people may say about me
Pack up your troubles get your old grin back
Don’t worry ’bout the cavalry
I don’t care what the whisperers say
Cos’ they whisper too loud for me.
Tweet tweet
Tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag
And bury them beneath the sea
I don’t care what the people may say
What the people may say about me
Pack up your troubles get your old grin back
Don’t worry ’bout the cavalry
I don’t care what the whisperers say
Cos’ they whisper too loud for me.
Yeahh yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Monday, August 30, 2010
awesome ni this girl. if kamu inda kenal lah.
antah ah, macam aku now addicted to her. lol. nowdays lah.
tapi this song lamaaa sudah, from last year ^^ kan syid (syid punya idol yo! ia even buat the celebrity thing pasal adele^^)
tapi ia awesome! ia lagu indie.
kamu might suka this song, if you're into this genre ;]
anyway, aku bored, nah the lyric to this song. :)
Daydreamer sitting on the sea
Soaking up the sun
He is a real lover of making up the past
And feeling up his girl like he's never felt her figure before
A jaw dropper
Looks good when he walks
He's the subject of their talk
He would be hard to chase but good to catch
And he could change the world with his hands behind his back
You can find him sitting on your doorstep
Waiting for the surprise
And he will feel like he's been there for hours
And you can tell that he'll be there for life
Daydreamer with eyes that make you melt
He lends his coat for shelter
Plus he's there for you when he shouldn't be but he stays all the same
Waits for you then sees you through
There's no way I could describe him
But I'll say he's just what I'm hoping for
But I will find him sitting on my doorstep
Waiting for the surprise
And it will feel like he's been there for hours
And I can tell that he'll be there for life
And I can tell that he'll be there for life
Sweet ^^ love it!
so yeah, aku rasa kan nagis, since aku buat mama ku takut... aku rasa bersalah yo.... T_T
malam ani tidur ku with mami ku eh.
oh and, leez, your post, awwwh ;')
aku pun minta maaf yo, to all! i know aku selalu kasar(aku realize, sorry T_T) or mulut ku padas... you know banyak barang yang negative always coming from me, and silap salah, sorry ayte? and sometimes kamu annoyed dangan perangai ku and all(i.e lame jokes ku yang seriously lame), sorry GUYS, aku belabih, i know T_T sabar saja kan, since ani ramadhan, hehehe. loves u all back :) if inda love, love kan sja tia^^
bah, bye! night babes!
Mytha - Tentang Mimpiku
this song i dedicate to my girlfriends, you know who you are and also my 5R-ians who have always been there for me through my ups and downs :') never thought that kamu tahan being friends with me since i talk alot more than alot not to forget slalu complain itu ini. first time masuk 4R aku hanya kenal some of you sja but just kenal2 inda that rapat only sma dee ku rapat. and then time mid year of last yr mcm kan rapat sorang2 alum rapat bnr but yeah rapat :) hahaha! apaan~ and then time talent time kami the girls rapat berabis tia :'D owh how i miss those times :'( and then form 5 masuk everything okay2 nada papa itu ini SEMUA AMAN. this yr bnyk events kami together as 5R though some inda ikut but yeah FUN ;D mcm pantai bouncer and bbq,aww :') hehe. and now mcm ada conflict sedikit but yeah i know kami dpt overcome this problem. so yeah now aku kan bagi uacapan raya i know 10 days advanced but manatau inda smpat kan :)
KUR ;)
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be – a roommate, a neighbor, a professor, a friend, a lover, or even a complete stranger – but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.
Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.
Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are sometimes the most important ones.
If someone loves you, give love back to them in whatever way you can, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say.
Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.
You can make anything you wish of your life. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.
And if you love someone tell them, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.
Learn a lesson in life each day that you live!
Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.
Think About it? Was it worth it?
lots of love, Qilah Ruser
a wish in Ramadhan
i want .......
9A1 :)
i want .......
to leave Brunei :)
i want .......
a new father :)
or .....
no father at all, that'd be fine :)
i want ........
to go now :)
so .....
goodbye :)
love you lots like jelly tots =D
9A1 :)
i want .......
to leave Brunei :)
i want .......
a new father :)
or .....
no father at all, that'd be fine :)
i want ........
to go now :)
so .....
goodbye :)
love you lots like jelly tots =D
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A story about friendship
A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in
"Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.”
"Sure," they replied, "we’d love to meet him."
"There’s something you should know," the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
"I’m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," said the father, "you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can’t let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He’ll find a way to live on his own."
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the
The grief-stricken parents flew to
Moral of story:
The parents in this story are like many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don’t like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from people who aren’t as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are.
Tonight, before you tuck yourself in for the night, say a little prayer that God will give you the strength you need to accept people as they are, and to help us all be more understanding of those who are different from us. There’s a miracle called FRIENDSHIP that dwells in the heart. You don’t know how it happens or when it started but you know the special lift it always brings. May you realize that friendship is God’s most precious gift!
Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care….
my first contengan ~ :)))
aku jumpa ani arh email ku,batah plang sudh ne..
so, klu yg tau sudh... ketwa saja,alang2 kamu mmbaca atukan haha (WTH)
Jamil baru pulang dari sekolah, dan bercerita pada bapanya yang tidak pernah bersekolah
Jamil: Ayah, tadi saya dimarah oleh cikgu!
Ayah: Kamu buat silap apa, Jamil?
Jamil: Tadi saya tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan cikgu.
Ayah: Apa yang cikgu tanya?
Jamil: Cikgu tanya, di mana letaknya Washington.
Ayah: Itupun kamu boleh tak tahu! Lain kali kalau kamu sudah meletakkan sesuatu benda, jangan lupa di mana tempatnya!
sama dis one...
Burung Kakak Tua
Di sebuah kedai menjual burung, terdapat 2 ekor burung kakak tua. Kedua burung itu berbeza, yang satu suka bernyanyi dan yang satunya lagi hanya diam saja, datang seorang lelaki ingin membeli burung kakak tua. Ia berkata kepada si penjual burung.
Pembeli : Berapa harga burung kakak tua ini...??
Penjual: Kalau yang suka menyanyi itu RM500, sedangkan yang diam itu RM1000.
Pembeli: Ahhh...?? Kenapa yang suka menyanyi lebih murah dari yang diam.
Penjual: Yaa... memang berbeza, yang berharaga RM1000 itu ialah pencipta lagunya.
hehehe atu saja dulu,klu ada lagi ku tejumpa apa2..ku share2.. :))))))
so, klu yg tau sudh... ketwa saja,alang2 kamu mmbaca atukan haha (WTH)
Jamil baru pulang dari sekolah, dan bercerita pada bapanya yang tidak pernah bersekolah
Jamil: Ayah, tadi saya dimarah oleh cikgu!
Ayah: Kamu buat silap apa, Jamil?
Jamil: Tadi saya tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan cikgu.
Ayah: Apa yang cikgu tanya?
Jamil: Cikgu tanya, di mana letaknya Washington.
Ayah: Itupun kamu boleh tak tahu! Lain kali kalau kamu sudah meletakkan sesuatu benda, jangan lupa di mana tempatnya!
sama dis one...
Burung Kakak Tua
Di sebuah kedai menjual burung, terdapat 2 ekor burung kakak tua. Kedua burung itu berbeza, yang satu suka bernyanyi dan yang satunya lagi hanya diam saja, datang seorang lelaki ingin membeli burung kakak tua. Ia berkata kepada si penjual burung.
Pembeli : Berapa harga burung kakak tua ini...??
Penjual: Kalau yang suka menyanyi itu RM500, sedangkan yang diam itu RM1000.
Pembeli: Ahhh...?? Kenapa yang suka menyanyi lebih murah dari yang diam.
Penjual: Yaa... memang berbeza, yang berharaga RM1000 itu ialah pencipta lagunya.
hehehe atu saja dulu,klu ada lagi ku tejumpa apa2..ku share2.. :))))))
Thursday, August 26, 2010
munyung? O_O
Oh aku sakit hati T_T
macam ugh, kami bulih create our own cerita whether it is sweet or not, macam awww!
macam paidah jua tu! INDA KAH?! T_T MACAM INDA JUA BANAR! *stress much* hehehe.
zati, sar, u feel meh kan?! T_T
sigh.... LOL EMO! HAHAHA.
why im being like this?! pasal aku baca post si POK *stares back at GPOK* and aku start baca this manga(comic) HAHA. macam...
ceritanya so cute macam awww XD

macam hot lagi tu the two guys *drools* cute lagi perangainya XD haha.
macam the whole (aku right now membaca until chapter 13) time, aku senyum saja XD OH.
tapi ada part that i dont like~
apa? adaleeee :D
aku ani saja, bored. since lama sudah inda ku post somethin' ^^'
so aku post something new lah^^ HEE.
(oh yeah, i have the thing with manga(s), but not anime, :D)
manga JJANG! anime, ugh, um... *ignore*
EH OI, manga bukan manga=buah! manga as in, japanese comic... (KAH NASH??)
hee. bah aku off ^^
pasal aku sakit hati dengan cerita fiction! LOL!macam ugh, kami bulih create our own cerita whether it is sweet or not, macam awww!
macam paidah jua tu! INDA KAH?! T_T MACAM INDA JUA BANAR! *stress much* hehehe.
zati, sar, u feel meh kan?! T_T
sigh.... LOL EMO! HAHAHA.
why im being like this?! pasal aku baca post si POK *stares back at GPOK* and aku start baca this manga(comic) HAHA. macam...
nah, i upload 3 pages saja for u guys. haaha! :Dceritanya so cute macam awww XD

macam hot lagi tu the two guys *drools* cute lagi perangainya XD haha.
macam the whole (aku right now membaca until chapter 13) time, aku senyum saja XD OH.
tapi ada part that i dont like~
apa? adaleeee :D
aku ani saja, bored. since lama sudah inda ku post somethin' ^^'
so aku post something new lah^^ HEE.
(oh yeah, i have the thing with manga(s), but not anime, :D)
manga JJANG! anime, ugh, um... *ignore*
EH OI, manga bukan manga=buah! manga as in, japanese comic... (KAH NASH??)
hee. bah aku off ^^
(macam, G.HAI
as in... "G, hai(hello)
macam... G(pok), hello XD)
lame =_=
(macam, G.HAI
as in... "G, hai(hello)
macam... G(pok), hello XD)
lame =_=
KEONG RACUN (Paling lucu)
sorry dimalam aku salah video :P hahahah ne nah yang bodoh and cali :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
weird, aneh, pelik, freaky, luarbiasa mimpi~
h3Llew pEEp0L~ ahax AhAkZ~ Geepok dalam rumah! *geepok in the house. . .get it . . ? * -poklen tone- ( pink reminds me of the 'shark boy' :P aku lava girl lah~ HAHAHA! wth! nauzubillah )
yesterday~ ku tidur masa patang, about 3pm till 6.30 pm,kan sungkai. Aku mimpi~
cemani ceritanya :
aku atu ada part-time job wahh, babysitting kiddos kan~ cali lah~ bermaintah ku sama kanak-kanak, arah this amazing maze, but before atu aku sempat shopping and meliat-liat barang, ada tia this cool guy, handsome sama cute, ganya temeng kan mati muanya ahhh~ ia salesboy arah kadai siring escalator~ balik-balik ku terliat ia, temeng lah muanya. sasakku! Kali, terjumpa ku kamu~ yes, you girls. Kamu cakap esuk jalan-jalan arah kadai sini lagi, then aku kerja lah jadi babysitter.
that night~ aku entah ada majlis kali arah rumahku, so aku ada invite kamu jua, but the main actress *except aku* si . . . GHAI! HAHAHHA! aku sama si Jagas keluar rumah wahhh,kali ku ani kan jalan ke siring rumahku which dapannya ada pagar jiranku kan, and palui ni~ pagar jiranku silahau, ia punya corner atu kana dinding siring rumahku! aku kan jalan,paksa ku squeeze badanku, tapi inda jua dapat. stupidity jua banar. kali si JAGAS lagitah talur~ di tulaknya pagar jiranku towards their house lah ah, then gugur wah pagar atu ke dapan, kali gardener jiranku terdengar, marah ia! teriak-teriak! si Jagas takut, lari ia tinggalkan aku~ aku pun ikut lari jua, indaku mau batah-batah di sana. hmmm..*stare jagas*
esuknya~ aku ada kerja, same thing happened; main sama the kiddos and arah this maze~ kali aku sepatutnya ada date sama kamu, but apparently, aku akhir tah jua datang. So so~ aku gagas lah arah this kadai yang semalam, then aku cari-cari kamu~ I don't why aku tarus-tarus arah second floor and aku pakai wheelchair ? Hell yeah! aku pakai wheelchair kan tu~ so aku jalan then aku kan turun, which means aku mesti pakai escalator~ yatah ku terberhenti seketika, bepikirku cemana kan turun. *idiot-lif ada! * Luckily, the cool temeng guy yang aku mentioned tadi tolong aku, tarus-tarus lagi tu~ apakannnn. ia bawa ku turun, pakai escalator --" macam palui usulku tumbir-tumbir :( tangga damit, wheel ku wah basar! kali teriak-teriak ku lagi macam kan gugur saja, sudah tah atu, ku tarik-tarik lagi tangan that guy, takutku gugur. then, ada lagi this escalator~ ku inda mau ia tolong aku, aku cakap : Just umban saja aku arah wheelchair, so laju ku turun dari escalator ani~ then, awu juanya. then turuntah ku terhentak-hentak punggung then ku gugur, then berlari tia ku cari kamu, apakannn~
aku inda tercari kamu wahh~ kali ada this middle-aged lady, bersigup-sigup. aku inda tau ia kamu punya apa but ia kenal kitani :D so ku tanya lah mana kamu~ and ia cakap kamu nada~ kamu jalan sudah, from 10am till 3pm kamu tunggu. MASATU tah ku menangis, meraung ahhh.
bangun dari tidur, tersedak-sedak ku~ macam loser rasaku. Thank God my sis bangunkan, mun inda wah~ cali ehh, maluku arah kakaku, ia cangang liat aku. x) bida ehhh, facing siblingsku lagi tu time sungkai --"
so yeah, atu saja :D 'kthnxvuvye' :P
sorry ah if kamu inda faham apa ku ceritakan~ yatah mimpi aneh ni!
and kamuuuuu~ jangan pernah sesekali tinggalkan aku :'D
yesterday~ ku tidur masa patang, about 3pm till 6.30 pm,kan sungkai. Aku mimpi~
cemani ceritanya :
aku atu ada part-time job wahh, babysitting kiddos kan~ cali lah~ bermaintah ku sama kanak-kanak, arah this amazing maze, but before atu aku sempat shopping and meliat-liat barang, ada tia this cool guy, handsome sama cute, ganya temeng kan mati muanya ahhh~ ia salesboy arah kadai siring escalator~ balik-balik ku terliat ia, temeng lah muanya. sasakku! Kali, terjumpa ku kamu~ yes, you girls. Kamu cakap esuk jalan-jalan arah kadai sini lagi, then aku kerja lah jadi babysitter.
that night~ aku entah ada majlis kali arah rumahku, so aku ada invite kamu jua, but the main actress *except aku* si . . . GHAI! HAHAHHA! aku sama si Jagas keluar rumah wahhh,kali ku ani kan jalan ke siring rumahku which dapannya ada pagar jiranku kan, and palui ni~ pagar jiranku silahau, ia punya corner atu kana dinding siring rumahku! aku kan jalan,paksa ku squeeze badanku, tapi inda jua dapat. stupidity jua banar. kali si JAGAS lagitah talur~ di tulaknya pagar jiranku towards their house lah ah, then gugur wah pagar atu ke dapan, kali gardener jiranku terdengar, marah ia! teriak-teriak! si Jagas takut, lari ia tinggalkan aku~ aku pun ikut lari jua, indaku mau batah-batah di sana. hmmm..*stare jagas*
esuknya~ aku ada kerja, same thing happened; main sama the kiddos and arah this maze~ kali aku sepatutnya ada date sama kamu, but apparently, aku akhir tah jua datang. So so~ aku gagas lah arah this kadai yang semalam, then aku cari-cari kamu~ I don't why aku tarus-tarus arah second floor and aku pakai wheelchair ? Hell yeah! aku pakai wheelchair kan tu~ so aku jalan then aku kan turun, which means aku mesti pakai escalator~ yatah ku terberhenti seketika, bepikirku cemana kan turun. *idiot-lif ada! * Luckily, the cool temeng guy yang aku mentioned tadi tolong aku, tarus-tarus lagi tu~ apakannnn. ia bawa ku turun, pakai escalator --" macam palui usulku tumbir-tumbir :( tangga damit, wheel ku wah basar! kali teriak-teriak ku lagi macam kan gugur saja, sudah tah atu, ku tarik-tarik lagi tangan that guy, takutku gugur. then, ada lagi this escalator~ ku inda mau ia tolong aku, aku cakap : Just umban saja aku arah wheelchair, so laju ku turun dari escalator ani~ then, awu juanya. then turuntah ku terhentak-hentak punggung then ku gugur, then berlari tia ku cari kamu, apakannn~
aku inda tercari kamu wahh~ kali ada this middle-aged lady, bersigup-sigup. aku inda tau ia kamu punya apa but ia kenal kitani :D so ku tanya lah mana kamu~ and ia cakap kamu nada~ kamu jalan sudah, from 10am till 3pm kamu tunggu. MASATU tah ku menangis, meraung ahhh.
bangun dari tidur, tersedak-sedak ku~ macam loser rasaku. Thank God my sis bangunkan, mun inda wah~ cali ehh, maluku arah kakaku, ia cangang liat aku. x) bida ehhh, facing siblingsku lagi tu time sungkai --"
so yeah, atu saja :D 'kthnxvuvye' :P
sorry ah if kamu inda faham apa ku ceritakan~ yatah mimpi aneh ni!
and kamuuuuu~ jangan pernah sesekali tinggalkan aku :'D
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
sharing is caring
(1) saat indah di awal perkahwinan
M : akhirnya, inilah yang aku tunggu setelah sekian lama ...
F : apakah kau rela kalau aku pergi ?
M : tentu tidak ! jangan sesekali kau berfikiran begitu !
F : apakah kau mencintaiku ?
M : tentu ! semuanya akan tetap begitu !
F : apakah kau pernah berlaku curang ?
M : tidak ! aku takkan melakukan perkara seburuk itu !
F : mahukah kau menciumku ?
M : ya !
F : sayangku ..
- sesudah 5 tahun perkahwinan -
* cuba baca dari bawah ke atas
enjoy :)
bye !
M : akhirnya, inilah yang aku tunggu setelah sekian lama ...
F : apakah kau rela kalau aku pergi ?
M : tentu tidak ! jangan sesekali kau berfikiran begitu !
F : apakah kau mencintaiku ?
M : tentu ! semuanya akan tetap begitu !
F : apakah kau pernah berlaku curang ?
M : tidak ! aku takkan melakukan perkara seburuk itu !
F : mahukah kau menciumku ?
M : ya !
F : sayangku ..
- sesudah 5 tahun perkahwinan -
* cuba baca dari bawah ke atas
enjoy :)
bye !
Monday, August 23, 2010
yo guyyyyss! macam tidaks ada orang yang update blog ne, mengapakah blog ini kamu abaikan ? kesian blog ini nasib ada eleeza kur to the rescue :P
SO today pagi2 inda jadi briefing tukar ke hari esok ;D haha yesss baby tidakssss belajar, i likey likey tohhh! ahaaaax ;p and tadi pagi we girls rajin you know we banyak praktis for oral ;D bangga i! :D patang we have oral wasss okay was not easy not hard :) amin semua urang MS form 5 lulus dalam peperiksaan OLEVEL NOV 2010 DENGAN MARKAH YANG CEMERLANG AMIN, TIDAK ADA YANG GAGAL AMIN! :) bukan MS sja but other schools too, amin! :')
tadi kami ada new lame jokes lagi dari dorang al-amin! haha and i aswered one correctly which was BRITNEY SPEARS! haha lame eh mati mati, inda lagi sais to the songs :P hahaha! but cali :'D
mudahantah esuk briefing inda boring yang boleh membuat kan saya -----''' hehe get it get it? :p btw tadi aku swearing wah time this subject pasal ia mrah2 dapanku and aku ilang konsentrasi olehnya :'( sorry to that person and naaaah kurang tia pahala puasa... well u made me! :( okay sabaaaar~ :)
bah ane sajalah sakit jari yang lawa ini menaip :) BYE GUYS GOODNIGHT! mimpi kan aku :P haha mimpi indaaaah~ ;)
SO today pagi2 inda jadi briefing tukar ke hari esok ;D haha yesss baby tidakssss belajar, i likey likey tohhh! ahaaaax ;p and tadi pagi we girls rajin you know we banyak praktis for oral ;D bangga i! :D patang we have oral wasss okay was not easy not hard :) amin semua urang MS form 5 lulus dalam peperiksaan OLEVEL NOV 2010 DENGAN MARKAH YANG CEMERLANG AMIN, TIDAK ADA YANG GAGAL AMIN! :) bukan MS sja but other schools too, amin! :')
tadi kami ada new lame jokes lagi dari dorang al-amin! haha and i aswered one correctly which was BRITNEY SPEARS! haha lame eh mati mati, inda lagi sais to the songs :P hahaha! but cali :'D
mudahantah esuk briefing inda boring yang boleh membuat kan saya -----''' hehe get it get it? :p btw tadi aku swearing wah time this subject pasal ia mrah2 dapanku and aku ilang konsentrasi olehnya :'( sorry to that person and naaaah kurang tia pahala puasa... well u made me! :( okay sabaaaar~ :)
bah ane sajalah sakit jari yang lawa ini menaip :) BYE GUYS GOODNIGHT! mimpi kan aku :P haha mimpi indaaaah~ ;)
hey .....
i just had my BM oral
kay .....
aku penyeluru post si liyana
p/s : ramai jua yang view this blog ah :O wow, amazing *ghai's tone*
bye .....
i just had my BM oral
kay .....
aku penyeluru post si liyana
p/s : ramai jua yang view this blog ah :O wow, amazing *ghai's tone*
bye .....
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I just had my BM oral...
Edit: Banner updated btw :)
asian justin bieber baby cover
so ada mana pihak yang melting mendengar ini ? ;)
asian celine dion - my heart will go on
im not judging but hmm.... HAHAHHAA! must watch liat guys cali ne :D hahah astaghfirullah puasa puasa :P
Thomson Airways Safety Video 2009
HEHE. okay i need you guys to watch this. it's freaking tahap maksima cute! now i wanna have a kid ;( AAHAHHAHAHA LIKE THIS.... :p
Friday, August 20, 2010
Dearest Snails
Dear R-Ladies,
you know I love you right? :)
So yeah, even though I might not act like it and I don't exactly say the right things at the right times but deep inside when you guys are hurting my heart hurts too. We're sisters. Not exactly by blood but by a bond stronger and thicker than that.
Kalau sekiranya banar next year aku inda di Brunei, aku minta maaf awal-awal kalau ada salah arah kamu. Sesungguhnya akan ku merindui mu siput siputku.
bah adang nash
hahahah ^^ first time posting and perhaps my last for this blog since makin malas kan pakai laptop online ;) study mode lah konon. tapi InsyaAllah, markah ktani untuk November akan cemerlang. And I'm sure that we'll all achieve something in life :)
Sorry for being absent for two days. Si Fasuna ada sakit dalam tempoh tersebut tetapi sekarang Alhamdulillah baik sudah. Esok jumpa kamu ^^ yay~
happy ku banar banar banar sebanar-banarnya.
okay inda cali lagi :P kecuali bagi yang baru lihat the video today lah :) enjoy tia si Zek ah. jaditah Princess of the Earthnya ;P
Congratulasi diucapkan kepada RUS, BUL dan GHAI :) anak ini bangga dengan kejayaan kakak-kakaknya. Scholarship ni InsyaAllah >.< tolong saja dalam BM ah Dee ;)
Teringin sekali ku mempost gambar lelaki disini ;P tetapi ini bulan suci. Kotor tia this blog oleh si Fasuna/Tootrush. Begitu jua dengan gambar makanan TwT
I nak rehatlah :D BYE BYE :3
you know I love you right? :)
So yeah, even though I might not act like it and I don't exactly say the right things at the right times but deep inside when you guys are hurting my heart hurts too. We're sisters. Not exactly by blood but by a bond stronger and thicker than that.
Kalau sekiranya banar next year aku inda di Brunei, aku minta maaf awal-awal kalau ada salah arah kamu. Sesungguhnya akan ku merindui mu siput siputku.
bah adang nash
hahahah ^^ first time posting and perhaps my last for this blog since makin malas kan pakai laptop online ;) study mode lah konon. tapi InsyaAllah, markah ktani untuk November akan cemerlang. And I'm sure that we'll all achieve something in life :)
Sorry for being absent for two days. Si Fasuna ada sakit dalam tempoh tersebut tetapi sekarang Alhamdulillah baik sudah. Esok jumpa kamu ^^ yay~
happy ku banar banar banar sebanar-banarnya.
okay inda cali lagi :P kecuali bagi yang baru lihat the video today lah :) enjoy tia si Zek ah. jaditah Princess of the Earthnya ;P
Congratulasi diucapkan kepada RUS, BUL dan GHAI :) anak ini bangga dengan kejayaan kakak-kakaknya. Scholarship ni InsyaAllah >.< tolong saja dalam BM ah Dee ;)
Teringin sekali ku mempost gambar lelaki disini ;P tetapi ini bulan suci. Kotor tia this blog oleh si Fasuna/Tootrush. Begitu jua dengan gambar makanan TwT
I nak rehatlah :D BYE BYE :3
it's love :)
"you were my strength when i was weak,
you were my voice when i couldn't speak,
you were my eyes when i couldn't see,
you saw the best there was in me"
- because you loved me by CELINE DION
i'd love to meet her, and hug her :)
the song is for you girls .....
because you give me wings when i couldn't fly and touch my hand so i can touch the sky :')
goodluck to those yang oral :)
you were my voice when i couldn't speak,
you were my eyes when i couldn't see,
you saw the best there was in me"
- because you loved me by CELINE DION
i'd love to meet her, and hug her :)
the song is for you girls .....
because you give me wings when i couldn't fly and touch my hand so i can touch the sky :')
goodluck to those yang oral :)
say mun, say nyung! -_-
LOL! been awhile sudah inda post something~
FOR GETTING (at least) CREDITs and DISTINCTIONs for June Olevel, babeees.
and now, pikirkan Olevel lagi ni =_=

4x ku meliat,
4x jua aku menagis,
yang part the guy gtau his BFF yang ia kan mati,
gila MENAGIS ku T_T
OH! aku tuition kemarin!
ada this neww guy masuk, mua nya macam minho(uh... korean yang belakon jadi junpyo arah boys over flowers kah?? lupa ku, too many korean dramasss) =_= bagiku lah.
FOR GETTING (at least) CREDITs and DISTINCTIONs for June Olevel, babeees.
and now, pikirkan Olevel lagi ni =_=
finished a whole book last night, DORK diaries.
awesome ah! girl ver. of wimpy kid. AWESOME lah^^
awesome ah! girl ver. of wimpy kid. AWESOME lah^^

then after that, liat cerita The Time Traveler's Wife, like, the 4th time kali sudah -_-
tapi doesn't make sense, my mom riuh kenapa the father can visit the future even after ia mati~
tapi doesn't make sense, my mom riuh kenapa the father can visit the future even after ia mati~

4x ku meliat,
4x jua aku menagis,
yang part the guy gtau his BFF yang ia kan mati,
gila MENAGIS ku T_T
lol sorry guys, I is sensitive about these things.
i cry easily. hehe, gila, atu penagis! T_T -(see)
macam, last time, HAHAHA ^^'
i cry easily. hehe, gila, atu penagis! T_T -(see)
macam, last time, HAHAHA ^^'
OH! aku tuition kemarin!
ada this neww guy masuk, mua nya macam minho(uh... korean yang belakon jadi junpyo arah boys over flowers kah?? lupa ku, too many korean dramasss) =_= bagiku lah.
KUR, si TOOTRUSH belabih! ia bulih post korean thingy T_T
So yeah, im posting this POST(lol) pasal kan cakap pasal this japanese magazine
(bukan korean so can lah post pasal japanese, heheh)
yatah, selalunya arah cerita apa japanese guys selalunya at least lawa2 sikit.
but ani inda, MODELS saja!
belabih, semua tanned, and senyum pun senyum KAMBING!
kalau girlsnya lawa lawa lah. :)
macam of all the guys arah mag atu like 30+models,
i think one of them saja cute! and sorang lagi hot(excluding the tanned skin and the dyed hair)
Sigh, nada lagi lelaki hot kah dalam dunia ani? T_T (excluding my darlings arah korea, haha!)
yay... the world evaporates =_=
(bukan korean so can lah post pasal japanese, heheh)
yatah, selalunya arah cerita apa japanese guys selalunya at least lawa2 sikit.
but ani inda, MODELS saja!
belabih, semua tanned, and senyum pun senyum KAMBING!
kalau girlsnya lawa lawa lah. :)
macam of all the guys arah mag atu like 30+models,
i think one of them saja cute! and sorang lagi hot(excluding the tanned skin and the dyed hair)
Sigh, nada lagi lelaki hot kah dalam dunia ani? T_T (excluding my darlings arah korea, haha!)
yay... the world evaporates =_=
so yeah, im done. i nak relax yo.
bye babess :D
bye babess :D
Thursday, August 19, 2010
tadarus and farah za :)
SO TODAAAAY ADA ORANG TUHA SUDAH DARI AKU ;) *kirai2* eheeeeex! :P FARAAAH ZAAA! happy birthdaaay darling, may allah bless you with prosperity and good health :P okay so typicaal! JANGAN LUPA LANJA KAMI! :p haha nada deyh kiddding baby! :p HAVE FUN ON YOUR BIRTHDAAAAAY! mwaahss xx
todaay okaaay inda siuk inda boring jua :) tadi ada tadarus, and nyaman rasanya baca yasin sama dorang the girls + zayna + hurin :) and bca surah2 pendek :) alhamdulillah :') and tahlil tadi jua nyaman rasanya mendengar but nyeeeh terkacau oleh orang bising ;/ kalau boleh hormati lah orang bertahlil :) bcakap boleh tapi inda usah basar2, no hard feeling :) hard or heart? haha aku confuse :P
okay i guess that's it! and to yang oral bm this saturdaaay good luccck guys, mudahantah kami semua sanang MENAJWAB soalannya and terjawab dengan lancar, AMIN!
i love you all <33
KUR ;)
todaay okaaay inda siuk inda boring jua :) tadi ada tadarus, and nyaman rasanya baca yasin sama dorang the girls + zayna + hurin :) and bca surah2 pendek :) alhamdulillah :') and tahlil tadi jua nyaman rasanya mendengar but nyeeeh terkacau oleh orang bising ;/ kalau boleh hormati lah orang bertahlil :) bcakap boleh tapi inda usah basar2, no hard feeling :) hard or heart? haha aku confuse :P
okay i guess that's it! and to yang oral bm this saturdaaay good luccck guys, mudahantah kami semua sanang MENAJWAB soalannya and terjawab dengan lancar, AMIN!
i love you all <33
KUR ;)
HB Daughter of Za
To our very own Farah ZA =p
Translation in malay:
Kepada kami sangat sendiri Farah ZA =p

Haha!! =p Stolen photo ;) I think this dude is a DJ yth pilih ane sja ;p haha!!
Nanti after exam =p A proper competition puzzle ah ;) Inda puas!~ ;p and next time pass lanja lagi ah :D haha! Nda wah 0=) Nantith ku lanja~ InsyaAllah like apa yg dikatakan :)
Happy Birthday sistah~ May Allah bless you~ Long age cheap life :D
for tadarus :)
to MAKTAB SAINS STUDENTSSSS jangan lupa bawa quran and tafsir :) thank you!
terms and conditions applied
terms and conditions applied
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
dum di dum~
Oh wow! meriah jua our blog ani ah :) credits to you girls :)
okay,ani first time ku 'write' something in this blog, usually upload videos yang palui-palui saja XD
hmm. . .
I think lah ahh,today is our JIWANG day :D since most of us banyak yang jiwang * including aku*
anyway, ada this song~ lawa but jiwang dari Zamani :D indaku tau apa tajuknya, sedang mencari.
I wanna go fishing :3 aku rinduuuuuuuu mengail eventhough aku inda pernah dapat ikan :D but still~
aku ada cerita! ada this mama cat selamat melahirkan anak-anaknya yang cute, 2 ikung :D arah luar rumah kami :D but then few weeks later, kucing atu hilang semua ; mamanya, si hyun and si muller! kami bagi makan apa sudah but but~ hmm... hairanku ia hilang just like that. Usually~ everytime keluar rumah, arah verandah ada wah the kittens main-main. Ani nada tia :( From my opinion lah ah, I think kucing-kucing atu inda mau susahkan kami * my family* memberi dorang makan, thus, dorang pun lari~ so yeah, I guess kucing pun faham perasaan manusia. oh yeah~ kucingku tua sudah ah x) 5 tahun sudah, tuakan tu ?
One day, Insya-Allah I'll build a zoo :D HAHAHAH! dream big,but less effort to make it happened! :/ 'sigh'~ :P
and WHEEE~ River Monsters season 2 ada sudah :DD love you, Jeremy Wade ; the greatest biologist! ;) sudahtah hot,handal kali ia menangkap monster fish! go orang tua! XD WTH
bah, that's all :)
Gee. *buat si miyavi*
okay,ani first time ku 'write' something in this blog, usually upload videos yang palui-palui saja XD
hmm. . .
I think lah ahh,today is our JIWANG day :D since most of us banyak yang jiwang * including aku*
anyway, ada this song~ lawa but jiwang dari Zamani :D indaku tau apa tajuknya, sedang mencari.
I wanna go fishing :3 aku rinduuuuuuuu mengail eventhough aku inda pernah dapat ikan :D but still~
aku ada cerita! ada this mama cat selamat melahirkan anak-anaknya yang cute, 2 ikung :D arah luar rumah kami :D but then few weeks later, kucing atu hilang semua ; mamanya, si hyun and si muller! kami bagi makan apa sudah but but~ hmm... hairanku ia hilang just like that. Usually~ everytime keluar rumah, arah verandah ada wah the kittens main-main. Ani nada tia :( From my opinion lah ah, I think kucing-kucing atu inda mau susahkan kami * my family* memberi dorang makan, thus, dorang pun lari~ so yeah, I guess kucing pun faham perasaan manusia. oh yeah~ kucingku tua sudah ah x) 5 tahun sudah, tuakan tu ?
One day, Insya-Allah I'll build a zoo :D HAHAHAH! dream big,but less effort to make it happened! :/ 'sigh'~ :P
and WHEEE~ River Monsters season 2 ada sudah :DD love you, Jeremy Wade ; the greatest biologist! ;) sudahtah hot,handal kali ia menangkap monster fish! go orang tua! XD WTH
bah, that's all :)
Gee. *buat si miyavi*
Because we can
I think this is the one yg kena show time yg learning something msatu =)
Pray for You - Jaron and The Long Road to Love :: Official Video
and ane untuk that guy jua yang memainkan hati seorang insan yang bernama perempuan :P eseeeh mihir ;) hahaha! have a listen people! :D
goodnight pretty people :)
tonight, aku ada something kan bagitau.....
aku inda tau kan cakap cemana tapi awal-awal aku kan minta maaf arah kamu semua, manatau aku ada banyak buat salah kah, annoying kah, apa-apa lah ... yang pentingnya aku minta maaf
especially to zati, pasal aku andang selalu menyusahkan kau :)
and qilah, pasal last year, youknowit :)
and to yang lain-lain, banyak wah dosaku inda lagi ku ingat apaku buat =,=
pokoknya aku minta maaf :)
aku sayang kamu, and kamu macam sistersku lah sudah. since aku nada kaka or adik, Allah jadikan kamu untuk aku :')
knowing you is the best thing happened in my life, but loving you is the best of all
and thank you pasal kamu selalu around masaku happy kah, emo kah :)
thank you !
and sorry again, pasal aku selalu inda join or attend any event or outing :(
kalau ada jarum yang patah,
jangan disimpan di dalam hati,
kalau ada silap dan salah,
jangan disimpan di dalam hati.
this year may be the last year ketani sama-sama (hopefully not !) and aku mau spend my time with kamu, before ada yang belayar or moving or tercarai kah apa.....
so far, bulan ani favourite day ku masa ketani main netball as a team, then shared jokes di canteen :'D AKU SUKA.
and aku mau minta maaf arah everybody, tapi aku paling kepayahan kan minta maaf arah mamaku. ketulahan wah ni aku ah, iatah teruk qualifying ku. sudah tah bekelaie sama teachers =,= uhhh, teruk rupanya aku ani.
before aku melarat, baiktah ku stop :) panjang berjela-jela sudah post ani :S
i'm sorry and thank you :D
mudah-mudahan kami mendapat keputusan O Level yang cemerlang, Amin !
tonight, aku ada something kan bagitau.....
aku inda tau kan cakap cemana tapi awal-awal aku kan minta maaf arah kamu semua, manatau aku ada banyak buat salah kah, annoying kah, apa-apa lah ... yang pentingnya aku minta maaf
especially to zati, pasal aku andang selalu menyusahkan kau :)
and qilah, pasal last year, youknowit :)
and to yang lain-lain, banyak wah dosaku inda lagi ku ingat apaku buat =,=
pokoknya aku minta maaf :)
aku sayang kamu, and kamu macam sistersku lah sudah. since aku nada kaka or adik, Allah jadikan kamu untuk aku :')
knowing you is the best thing happened in my life, but loving you is the best of all
and thank you pasal kamu selalu around masaku happy kah, emo kah :)
thank you !
and sorry again, pasal aku selalu inda join or attend any event or outing :(
kalau ada jarum yang patah,
jangan disimpan di dalam hati,
kalau ada silap dan salah,
jangan disimpan di dalam hati.
this year may be the last year ketani sama-sama (hopefully not !) and aku mau spend my time with kamu, before ada yang belayar or moving or tercarai kah apa.....
so far, bulan ani favourite day ku masa ketani main netball as a team, then shared jokes di canteen :'D AKU SUKA.
and aku mau minta maaf arah everybody, tapi aku paling kepayahan kan minta maaf arah mamaku. ketulahan wah ni aku ah, iatah teruk qualifying ku. sudah tah bekelaie sama teachers =,= uhhh, teruk rupanya aku ani.
before aku melarat, baiktah ku stop :) panjang berjela-jela sudah post ani :S
i'm sorry and thank you :D
mudah-mudahan kami mendapat keputusan O Level yang cemerlang, Amin !
Angus & Julia Stone
I'm starting to like this song! Lawa Leez~ Out of the girls aku rasa kau buleh tpkai plg~ And lama dh nda trade songs :D If inda maybe c gym~ Psal drg INDIE gym! =D
I wiki-ed them and drg siblings =D And so far aku scan2 sja and mcm Oooo~ attracted to what I read =p Okay~ Ntam pokoknya I think drg awesome! :)
Well satu plg lagu ane baru ku dngar! =p Soooo~ krg th yg lain~ If nda brapa... syg eyh~ =p Mcm cool sdh~ Everything I like~ so far~ :D
A tribute to zek - minta maaf (my apology)
okay i found this video funny yet haha sweeeet but sumpah i dont want my ex or my bf to do this for me! hahahahaha i laughed my ass off mliat :/ jahat aku ane :/ so yeaaah kamu what do you think? :P
hello :)
so today okay2 aje, tidak boring dan juga tidak begitu siuk :) not like normal days.
tidak boring : masih lagi mampu ketawa walaupun ada sesuatu yang menyakitkan timbul.
tidak begitu siuk : kami the girls inda banyak sama-sama :( inda tia cali alam :P haha although si ghai crack setiap hari :P haha! nada deyh ghai , laavvvss ya :P
MOREOVER (eseh), haha! atu KAMI ADA CIKGU AMATHS BARU! from the look, ia mcm strict (predictable) but mudahantah pandai mengajar, AMIN! :D and hmm geo was ... kami bercerita instead buat keraja :/ cana jua ne kan dapat high marks? isk isk not good not good :/
FURTHERMORE :p, AKU BARU BANGUN TIDUR! nyaman mimpi ku tambah tia lagi hujan :) haha! aku mimpi minum air sejuk yang labat! mati eyh weird though helping sal lagi tadi parut ku berkeroncong and now nada lagi :D so yea and GIRLSSSSS, i miss berkumpul and begila sma kamu :'D
BTWWW, jagas can we hang out rah ur crib next wednesday? PRETTY PLEASE :) thank you ;p
KUR ;)
tidak boring : masih lagi mampu ketawa walaupun ada sesuatu yang menyakitkan timbul.
tidak begitu siuk : kami the girls inda banyak sama-sama :( inda tia cali alam :P haha although si ghai crack setiap hari :P haha! nada deyh ghai , laavvvss ya :P
MOREOVER (eseh), haha! atu KAMI ADA CIKGU AMATHS BARU! from the look, ia mcm strict (predictable) but mudahantah pandai mengajar, AMIN! :D and hmm geo was ... kami bercerita instead buat keraja :/ cana jua ne kan dapat high marks? isk isk not good not good :/
FURTHERMORE :p, AKU BARU BANGUN TIDUR! nyaman mimpi ku tambah tia lagi hujan :) haha! aku mimpi minum air sejuk yang labat! mati eyh weird though helping sal lagi tadi parut ku berkeroncong and now nada lagi :D so yea and GIRLSSSSS, i miss berkumpul and begila sma kamu :'D
BTWWW, jagas can we hang out rah ur crib next wednesday? PRETTY PLEASE :) thank you ;p
KUR ;)
no update ?
hai kamu :) aku baru lepas dari mulut harimau, tapi masuk pula ke dalam mulut singa.
mulut harimau : ngalihku karangan ah. minta 1000 words, aku dapat 600+ saja, hantam tambah 400 lagi dengan membual. even si ali mabuk usulnya
mulut singa : keluar dari LT, hujan lebat :( terpaksalah mengharungi segala angin dan air, sigh ...
aku and zati jalan ke d&t room, seronok tapinya. kami beteriak basar-basar and menyanyi , sama jua inda kedangaran kan pasal hujan labat berabis :)
release stress !
sekali, balik. abistia, asalku becerita wah :)
...... uuuhkay ........
mulut harimau : ngalihku karangan ah. minta 1000 words, aku dapat 600+ saja, hantam tambah 400 lagi dengan membual. even si ali mabuk usulnya
mulut singa : keluar dari LT, hujan lebat :( terpaksalah mengharungi segala angin dan air, sigh ...
aku and zati jalan ke d&t room, seronok tapinya. kami beteriak basar-basar and menyanyi , sama jua inda kedangaran kan pasal hujan labat berabis :)
release stress !
sekali, balik. abistia, asalku becerita wah :)
...... uuuhkay ........
30th post :)
good morning !
mulakan hari awda dengan senyuman walau hati awda hancur remuk-redam. okay :)
was it a car or a cat i saw ?
* that's the only sentence yang dapat dibaca walaupun ia ditebalikkan, as in baca dari belakang.
cuba baca dari depan, then belakang. it's still the same kan ? HAHAH
i think this is cool :) like cool ! majal.
so yeah.....
kthanksbye :p
mulakan hari awda dengan senyuman walau hati awda hancur remuk-redam. okay :)
was it a car or a cat i saw ?
* that's the only sentence yang dapat dibaca walaupun ia ditebalikkan, as in baca dari belakang.
cuba baca dari depan, then belakang. it's still the same kan ? HAHAH
i think this is cool :) like cool ! majal.
so yeah.....
kthanksbye :p
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A mother passing by her daughter's bedroom was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then she saw an envelope propped up prominently on the center of the bed. It was addressed, "Mom." With the worst premonition, she opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:
Dear Mom: It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new boyfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Dad and you. I've been finding real passion with Ahmed and he is so nice-even with all his piercings, tattoos, beard, and his motorcycle clothes. But it's not only the passion Mom, I'm pregnant and Ahmed said that we will be very happy. He already owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. He wants to have many more children with me and that's now one of my dreams too. Ahmed taught me that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone and we'll be growing it for us and trading it with his friends for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Ahmed can get better; he sure deserves it!! Don't worry Mom, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Someday I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grand children.
Your daughter, Judith
PS: Mom, none of the above is true. I'm over at the neighbor's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than my report card that's in my desk center drawer. I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home.
why so sad?
today is the worst day so far ;( body aching, sneezing here and there, harini aku pouting sja which aku na suka :(
morning jantah dicakapkan, hampa banar ku sudah :( nyeeeeh, screw me for being lazy and stupid :(
okay that's it :) bye.
terms and conditions appiled
KUR ;(
morning jantah dicakapkan, hampa banar ku sudah :( nyeeeeh, screw me for being lazy and stupid :(
okay that's it :) bye.
terms and conditions appiled
KUR ;(
Monday, August 16, 2010
I gardd time! :D
oh sungguh menyakit kan T_T
guess what?!
aku balik kerumah dari skulah tarus less wah selesma ku!
macam masuk kereta, aku dapat bernafas like seriously semula(less tersumbat)!
so the problem isssssss, skulah punya atmosphere(surrounding air) tidak seberapa bagus and ugh, kotor lah!
to leeza kurma!
OKAY TU BABE!!!! balum overall tu^^
30% classwork and homework lagi?
pass tu! if aku pass, mustahil kau inda kan :)
(since kau pandai-er) *cough* jangan perasan *cough*
so like yeah aku time ani baru buat MIB, rajin, thank you :)
tapinya aku lost the paper yang kana suruh cari atu, and aku kan tanya orang 5R tapi time ani nada orang online T_T
gila gila... bah nevermind.
kthanksbye-Gmah Pok, fasuna tootrush. :D
guess what?!
aku balik kerumah dari skulah tarus less wah selesma ku!
macam masuk kereta, aku dapat bernafas like seriously semula(less tersumbat)!
so the problem isssssss, skulah punya atmosphere(surrounding air) tidak seberapa bagus and ugh, kotor lah!
to leeza kurma!
OKAY TU BABE!!!! balum overall tu^^
30% classwork and homework lagi?
pass tu! if aku pass, mustahil kau inda kan :)
(since kau pandai-er) *cough* jangan perasan *cough*
so like yeah aku time ani baru buat MIB, rajin, thank you :)
tapinya aku lost the paper yang kana suruh cari atu, and aku kan tanya orang 5R tapi time ani nada orang online T_T
gila gila... bah nevermind.
kthanksbye-Gmah Pok, fasuna tootrush. :D
Ghai awesomeness
happy or sad?
okay today kana bagi chem paper 1 and maths. Aku sedih kan mati ganya inda dengan results ku :'( but mom and dad i promise i'll score much much much better than this.i promise u with all my heart :'( im scared~
But but but my day was okay today.thanks them 5Rs <3 im sad in the inside but hyper in the outside.hahaha odd kan saya ini? :J
Tadi time bm aku ngatil cgu ah,jahat eh aku ane.minta maaf cikgu dari ujung split ends hingga ke ujung ujung kuku jari kaki :'D and tadi time mib haha si qilah tepakai yg 'menonggeng' ah,hahaha.merah bh muhanya ketawa. So overall,hari ini okay oleh kamu,thanks guys :') LOVE YOUSS ALL!:D
Btw,bpaku bli pepsi!HAHAHA YEA NYAMAN NE DIMINUM PAKAI AIS. Brrrrr* ;p
Okay that's it from me :D TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLIED.
KUR ;)
But but but my day was okay today.thanks them 5Rs <3 im sad in the inside but hyper in the outside.hahaha odd kan saya ini? :J
Tadi time bm aku ngatil cgu ah,jahat eh aku ane.minta maaf cikgu dari ujung split ends hingga ke ujung ujung kuku jari kaki :'D and tadi time mib haha si qilah tepakai yg 'menonggeng' ah,hahaha.merah bh muhanya ketawa. So overall,hari ini okay oleh kamu,thanks guys :') LOVE YOUSS ALL!:D
Btw,bpaku bli pepsi!HAHAHA YEA NYAMAN NE DIMINUM PAKAI AIS. Brrrrr* ;p
Okay that's it from me :D TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLIED.
KUR ;)
Cheer up =)

Today we had our p1 BM and chem marks, MathsD and English overall marks for the QE paper. It was ehhh... =p I dunno what to feel about it but then I got worried since these subjects ane important juakn~
I feel slightly guilty for no reason~ I dunno~ I told Gymah about it plg but nyeh~ entah~ Mcm you guys at least ada study~ but then y'know~ entah~ I dunno =p I'll get over it sooner or later :)
Neway to those yg inda satisfied with the marks, sabar =) Think positive, there's still 30% marks yg kena ambil dari our works this year :) Cheer up! Jgnth mrh2 nanti~ Aku takut plg tadi, kinda worried jua for all of us~ Yth~ baca tu gambar ah!! :D Jgn give up! We can do better than this! You guys will be fine :) Amin~
To sarr: Woahhh!! Last post mu posted pkul '2.46pm' Oooo~ suspend! But I like the number :) If tambah 8 lagi Ooo~ :D
Will try to update the banner nanti~ ntah~ Ngalih ku now =p
Btw~ pelik sdh~ btw sdh~ now mcm entah lagi bnyak =p Antam sja lah~
And oh! =D Hello Zati, Farah, Qilah and Diyana ;)
To sarr: Woahhh!! Last post mu posted pkul '2.46pm' Oooo~ suspend! But I like the number :) If tambah 8 lagi Ooo~ :D
liy, be title ku sudah ;)
aku inda sedih pasal maths d ku, tapi aku sedih if bebayar, mbaah tawakal tah ku saja.
today aku balik ke kg ayer, and for the first time in my life...aku balik seorang, nada dangan. pasal biasanya ada dangan, macam bapa or mama.
then, aku bejalan slow berabis macam siput supaya dapat menikmati kehijauan alam dan meliat biawak bejalan
calm rasaku though hari panas sikit, tapi berangin. payungku lagi ada gambar ikan. belakangku ada kanak-kanak baru balik sekolah :)
kali kan, kalau di kg ayer mun bejalan selalu melintas rumah orang. then aku lintas rumah yang ada banyak anak lelaki ... amazingly durang nada pasal mun durang ada, inda aman hidupku
pokoknya sunyi lah, kucing ganya jalan-jalan macam cat cat meow meow :p
calming ~
hahaha bah adangtahku becerita, bye :)
aku inda sedih pasal maths d ku, tapi aku sedih if bebayar, mbaah tawakal tah ku saja.
today aku balik ke kg ayer, and for the first time in my life...aku balik seorang, nada dangan. pasal biasanya ada dangan, macam bapa or mama.
then, aku bejalan slow berabis macam siput supaya dapat menikmati kehijauan alam dan meliat biawak bejalan
calm rasaku though hari panas sikit, tapi berangin. payungku lagi ada gambar ikan. belakangku ada kanak-kanak baru balik sekolah :)
kali kan, kalau di kg ayer mun bejalan selalu melintas rumah orang. then aku lintas rumah yang ada banyak anak lelaki ... amazingly durang nada pasal mun durang ada, inda aman hidupku
pokoknya sunyi lah, kucing ganya jalan-jalan macam cat cat meow meow :p
calming ~
hahaha bah adangtahku becerita, bye :)
Rajin nyee~
Eyh it's 6 already!!
Aku alum sempat tdor! I'm actually doing research dari tadi instead! =O Whoah! =')
I'm doing my homework lah! ='D
That is very rare my friend :)
Semoga usaha itu beterusan~ Amin :D
Mbah! Sleep is a must! ByeZzzzzz~
Peace! Peach! Piece! Pis!
CookieInAJar =D
pagi ku yang indah telah dirosakkan oleh sesuatu arah facebook :)
hahahaha, will show yer guys latorrr !
suspend wah the name yang appear atu, like whot ? sekalinya salah orang gehehehehe
rupanya aku adalah perantaraan, heyy stalker much that kid
atuuu ghai, aku emo semalam. tapi happyku jua kau kan mendeletekan post ku, tapi inda tia dapat nah... jeles blog ani hahaha paaan.
awal pagi ani, aku lapar. okayyy
kthanksbye, lol ;)
hahahaha, will show yer guys latorrr !
suspend wah the name yang appear atu, like whot ? sekalinya salah orang gehehehehe
rupanya aku adalah perantaraan, heyy stalker much that kid
atuuu ghai, aku emo semalam. tapi happyku jua kau kan mendeletekan post ku, tapi inda tia dapat nah... jeles blog ani hahaha paaan.
awal pagi ani, aku lapar. okayyy
kthanksbye, lol ;)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
not so yeah. =_=
WTH! the gambar arah my previous post sepatutnya bergarak, =_=
ugh, annoying much.
bah alrrright. NIGHT!!
ugh, annoying much.
bah alrrright. NIGHT!!
Ghai awesomeness
say yeah!
yo yo yo! *rappin' yo*
so yeah, aku meliat semua post kan, most of em post pasal dorang bored. lol!
but hey, ME TOO! :DD
went to Qlap cineplex for a movieyhh, The Expendables.
oh okay lah. siuk-er A-team^^
then then bali kain yaka for raya.then then arah stadium! haa, banyak orang =_= not likey muchy.
heeee. si sar punya previous post, hehe. emo XD
'I who have nothing' awww.
well, hey yo, i was bored, and ugh, saja for your entertainment :D
macam kusung, so why not aytee?
(cannot damiti, donno why. O_O)
so yeah, aku meliat semua post kan, most of em post pasal dorang bored. lol!
but hey, ME TOO! :DD
went to Qlap cineplex for a movieyhh, The Expendables.
oh okay lah. siuk-er A-team^^
then then bali kain yaka for raya.then then arah stadium! haa, banyak orang =_= not likey muchy.
heeee. si sar punya previous post, hehe. emo XD
'I who have nothing' awww.

well, hey yo, i was bored, and ugh, saja for your entertainment :D
macam kusung, so why not aytee?
(cannot damiti, donno why. O_O)
Ugh, do i need to search for MIB? =_=
Ghai awesomeness^^
Ghai awesomeness^^
bon soir, mes amis < 3 sunyinya suasana, romantic tah tu ? ah ah ?
si kur ni menyuruh aku blogging. hahaha so apakan dibuat ah. i've done mib, tapi ada 3 topics aku tinggalkan pasal can't find the info :(
currently, aku dangar lagu i have nothing by whitney. ketagihanku, aku mau suaraku tinggi cematu but wth, i can't sing :)
kamu kenal katherine jenkins ? lawa, opera ah suaranya. Subhanallah kambang bulu hidung.
"she can give you everything she wants but she can't love you the way i love you"
......lyric lagu i who have nothing
kamu inda tau maybe that song =,= geheheheheheheh
master of puppets, im pulling your strings
jobless, hahahaha bah aku berpindah ke fb and twitter. bye...
tak terzahir rasa rindu ini, hanya mampuku ungkapkan di sini sahaja. fazriyah <3
haha, mcm lesbian but HELL NO ! bah bye !
si kur ni menyuruh aku blogging. hahaha so apakan dibuat ah. i've done mib, tapi ada 3 topics aku tinggalkan pasal can't find the info :(
currently, aku dangar lagu i have nothing by whitney. ketagihanku, aku mau suaraku tinggi cematu but wth, i can't sing :)
kamu kenal katherine jenkins ? lawa, opera ah suaranya. Subhanallah kambang bulu hidung.
"she can give you everything she wants but she can't love you the way i love you"
......lyric lagu i who have nothing
kamu inda tau maybe that song =,= geheheheheheheh
master of puppets, im pulling your strings
jobless, hahahaha bah aku berpindah ke fb and twitter. bye...
tak terzahir rasa rindu ini, hanya mampuku ungkapkan di sini sahaja. fazriyah <3
haha, mcm lesbian but HELL NO ! bah bye !

I'm so clueless apa kn dibuat for tomorrow =p
Btw~ Leez suggested you guys crash my house this Tuesday :D Ea th plg yg suggest kn crash2 ane wah~ Patutnya rumah ku akulah :D HAHA! Nadawah~ 0=)
And apparently some of you guys ada class that day :(
Aku okay plg~ mnasja gpun I want a halo match!! =D So ntah~ yg ada class bila kamu hbs tu?
a smile for me
Sungkai was great. it was just me, mom and dad. ksiaaan you know kami gnya my other siblings were'nt home :( i miss family gathering :( okay back to sungkai punya story, TADI AKU FINALLY MAKAN KABAB WHICH BUAT AKU SENYUM INDA BERANTI! ;D hehe. nyaman nyamu! hahaa! na kamu taisliur? ;p haha! nada deyh! tapi kan tadi aku na suka time membali ramai orang ah di stadium mcm bri sasak betamu alak2 sudahtah hangat nya hantap campur lagi ada orang yang 'hangat' bejuritan :P astaghfirullah puasa puasa :D HEHE. oh yea tadi wah aku buat mua juling time makan sekali mama ku na beranti ketawa :/ tepakai ia ;( hahaha.
alhamdulillah nurul izzati khairunnisa binti embran sudah conscious. NANTI KAMI MELAWAT KAU ZATI AH :') u stay strong fight those bad bacteria/ virus. YOU CAN DO THIS CUS WE KNOW U'RE STRONG! ;D get well soon zati <3 we love you! :D
and to 5R:
KUR ;)
alhamdulillah nurul izzati khairunnisa binti embran sudah conscious. NANTI KAMI MELAWAT KAU ZATI AH :') u stay strong fight those bad bacteria/ virus. YOU CAN DO THIS CUS WE KNOW U'RE STRONG! ;D get well soon zati <3 we love you! :D
and to 5R:
KUR ;)
hello geople.
aku dangar lagu yellow lemon tree. eh waaait, luruskah atu the title ?
and i saw this quote arah kadai gunting :
hahaha mmmkay, i found that inspiring :)
kthanksbye, hahaha !
aku dangar lagu yellow lemon tree. eh waaait, luruskah atu the title ?
and i saw this quote arah kadai gunting :
hahaha mmmkay, i found that inspiring :)
kthanksbye, hahaha !
okay now im using my phone pasal my brother pakai laptop :( i am bored without kamu,nada ketawa ah,buring :'(
Okay lets put that aside,now aku liat in the land of women!siuk ah nyamu though slow sikit :D btw,aku mau kebab but inda kena blikan :( BELIKAN PLEASE? Hahaha nada deyh.
Bah okay sampai disini sajalah saya menaip.ngaleh jari i,maklum puasa :D hehe.
KUR ;)
Okay lets put that aside,now aku liat in the land of women!siuk ah nyamu though slow sikit :D btw,aku mau kebab but inda kena blikan :( BELIKAN PLEASE? Hahaha nada deyh.
Bah okay sampai disini sajalah saya menaip.ngaleh jari i,maklum puasa :D hehe.
KUR ;)
Woohoo! So finally the banner is done and uploaded =)
Hope you guys like it =p
Hope you guys like it =p
Saturday, August 14, 2010
eh you got me saying yeah yeah yeah yeahhhh!
난 너를 사랑해 PEOPLE!
eh what?
no korean in this, uh, blog?
fine =_='
no, seriously im fine with it *dalam hati rasa kan menampar menagis!* :D
got nothing to say. tapi i have the feeling that i need to post something (kana pajal yo T_T). so yeah.
*do the move 'More; and pistol!!* :DD
eh what?
no korean in this, uh, blog?
fine =_='
no, seriously im fine with it *dalam hati rasa kan menampar menagis!* :D
got nothing to say. tapi i have the feeling that i need to post something (kana pajal yo T_T). so yeah.
*do the move 'More; and pistol!!* :DD
helloooooo, banarnya malam ni aku sedih wah :)
pasal kisah novel hahahahah !
pasal the main character meninggal, haishhh tatkala harapan tinggi memuncak, bak dipanah ia jatuh gugur ke bumi :(
sedih baby alai.... but aku ada joke, maybe cali or maybe inda ... ?
ada dua orang gila ani, namanya ... let's say ali and ahmad lah ah. sekali durang bemain dakat swimming pool.
kali, gugur tia si ahmad arah air ah, kan lamas. tapi baik jua si ali ani ada, iatah ia selamatkan si ahmad.
then, the doctor macam proud lah pasal ali macam okay dah, pasal ia sanggup selamatkan si ahmad, kali datang nurse arah durang dengan muka takut.
"dok, si ahmad bunuh diri dok !" nya nurse ah.
belari tah durang mengaga tempat si ahmad ani. durang nampak si ahmad ani mati bunuh diri, begantung arah kipas.
kali becakap tia si ali ani tarus-tarus,
"doktor, bukan bunuh diri si ahmad ani, tadi ia lamas kan, iatah ia basah. ani aku menjamur ia".
ok, inda cali. bah bye heheheh
pasal kisah novel hahahahah !
pasal the main character meninggal, haishhh tatkala harapan tinggi memuncak, bak dipanah ia jatuh gugur ke bumi :(
sedih baby alai.... but aku ada joke, maybe cali or maybe inda ... ?
ada dua orang gila ani, namanya ... let's say ali and ahmad lah ah. sekali durang bemain dakat swimming pool.
kali, gugur tia si ahmad arah air ah, kan lamas. tapi baik jua si ali ani ada, iatah ia selamatkan si ahmad.
then, the doctor macam proud lah pasal ali macam okay dah, pasal ia sanggup selamatkan si ahmad, kali datang nurse arah durang dengan muka takut.
"dok, si ahmad bunuh diri dok !" nya nurse ah.
belari tah durang mengaga tempat si ahmad ani. durang nampak si ahmad ani mati bunuh diri, begantung arah kipas.
kali becakap tia si ali ani tarus-tarus,
"doktor, bukan bunuh diri si ahmad ani, tadi ia lamas kan, iatah ia basah. ani aku menjamur ia".
ok, inda cali. bah bye heheheh
sesungguhnya, di malam yang suci sesuci ramadhan (memang ramadhan masih) ini, saya ingin menyatakan bahawa saya.....
okay, bye <3
okay, bye <3
selamaaat advaaaannccceedd berbukaa girls
not to forget
kur ;)
not to forget
kur ;)
The Friendship Song - "Friends are Quiet Angels"
FRIENDS YES THEY ARE MY QUITE ANGLES especially you girls ;)
Buang masa~

O level is getting nearer!! =D
I should stop doing just that =p
Well 'we' should all stop wasting our time ;)
And yet we still do :)
And we loved it =p
what a day :D
okaaaaayyy lets start with the practical ;D
so after practical tadi macam biasa weee kite2 kene penjareee tau ;p haha! okay mihir *YUCKS*
FIRSTLY, dorang DNTs kana suruh ke DNT buat keraja which is boring cus mcam inda complete waaah without them atu :( inda tia berapa cali alam oleh kami ;/ eseeeh apakan? haha!
THEN, me,qilah,sarr,zayas and gee started sharing various stioriesss which is kinda serious, kind of sja bukan serious bnr eh * bila jua kami serious*
THEN, QILAH KANA BAWA BESECRET2 SMA SI TIRAH AND LEENA *inda share lagi tu* :( haha apakan :P
dorang bersecret and kami (sarr,gee and zayas) BEKUNING! HAHAHA. Dont ask me apa kami cakapkan~ puasa pun cane, isk isk ;p.
then, hahah kami pun dikeluarkan dari penjara, terjumpa si nafs and bul and the others :D
Kami mcm biasa routine stiap hari begila till balik, ketawa tak henti2 hahaha!
*for sure kena benci ne kami ane * SORRY LAH KAMI FUN WAH AND KAMU INDA ;P HEHE nada deyh :)
SO I GUESS THAT'S IT FROM ME! *omg aku bru first time buat blog :P haha saaakaaaaiiiisss much?*
KUR ;)
so after practical tadi macam biasa weee kite2 kene penjareee tau ;p haha! okay mihir *YUCKS*
FIRSTLY, dorang DNTs kana suruh ke DNT buat keraja which is boring cus mcam inda complete waaah without them atu :( inda tia berapa cali alam oleh kami ;/ eseeeh apakan? haha!
THEN, me,qilah,sarr,zayas and gee started sharing various stioriesss which is kinda serious, kind of sja bukan serious bnr eh * bila jua kami serious*
THEN, QILAH KANA BAWA BESECRET2 SMA SI TIRAH AND LEENA *inda share lagi tu* :( haha apakan :P
dorang bersecret and kami (sarr,gee and zayas) BEKUNING! HAHAHA. Dont ask me apa kami cakapkan~ puasa pun cane, isk isk ;p.
then, hahah kami pun dikeluarkan dari penjara, terjumpa si nafs and bul and the others :D
Kami mcm biasa routine stiap hari begila till balik, ketawa tak henti2 hahaha!
*for sure kena benci ne kami ane * SORRY LAH KAMI FUN WAH AND KAMU INDA ;P HEHE nada deyh :)
SO I GUESS THAT'S IT FROM ME! *omg aku bru first time buat blog :P haha saaakaaaaiiiisss much?*
KUR ;)
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