Monday, November 29, 2010
30th (as in tomorrow) jadi ah ? ;)
macam sebulan sudah inda jumpa kamu, tsk tsk
ohh, aku ada banyak benda yang kan dibalikkan arah kamu (certain people pulang) setelah berbulan-bulan ku tapau and ku jadikan hostage di rumahku
1) cd Laskar Pelangi & Lagenda Budak Setan for ..... *drumroll* ELEEZA ANUAR
2) pen warna biru milik si ..... *drumroll* ZAYASMALINA YAMIN
3) novel Tiada Noktah Cinta, Sejujur Hatimu & Emilya Zulaikha (gila, jiwang tajuk novel atu) for ... *drumroll* ZATI AZRA FAZRIYAH
4) 10 buah komik Detective Conan milik si ..... *drumroll* ZATI AZRA FAZRIYAH
WEHEHEHE, banyak barangku tapau atu, inda alang-alang, balum lagiku membawa plastic nyaring tu :p
there's a reason mengapa aku suka menapau *tunjuk topic post ku*
hahaha yeahp, barang kamu yang ada arahku dapat buat aku ingat arah kamu, eseh ! HAHAH
malang tak berbau, setiap yang ada pasti kembali ke asalnya so barang kamu yang ada arahku akan pulang ke pangkuan kamu, alive & kicking and safe & sound ok
hahaha, bah let's have fun tmr. BYE aRses
love you lots like jelly tots <3
30th (as in tomorrow) jadi ah ? ;)
macam sebulan sudah inda jumpa kamu, tsk tsk
ohh, aku ada banyak benda yang kan dibalikkan arah kamu (certain people pulang) setelah berbulan-bulan ku tapau and ku jadikan hostage di rumahku
1) cd Laskar Pelangi & Lagenda Budak Setan for ..... *drumroll* ELEEZA ANUAR
2) pen warna biru milik si ..... *drumroll* ZAYASMALINA YAMIN
3) novel Tiada Noktah Cinta, Sejujur Hatimu & Emilya Zulaikha (gila, jiwang tajuk novel atu) for ... *drumroll* ZATI AZRA FAZRIYAH
4) 10 buah komik Detective Conan milik si ..... *drumroll* ZATI AZRA FAZRIYAH
WEHEHEHE, banyak barangku tapau atu, inda alang-alang, balum lagiku membawa plastic nyaring tu :p
there's a reason mengapa aku suka menapau *tunjuk topic post ku*
hahaha yeahp, barang kamu yang ada arahku dapat buat aku ingat arah kamu, eseh ! HAHAH
malang tak berbau, setiap yang ada pasti kembali ke asalnya so barang kamu yang ada arahku akan pulang ke pangkuan kamu, alive & kicking and safe & sound ok
hahaha, bah let's have fun tmr. BYE aRses
love you lots like jelly tots <3
i need an answer for...

Thursday, November 25, 2010
and to merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim :)
5R guys ada match tadi, it was a bit disappointing and banyak kelahi but i believe that they've tried their best :) CONGRATS 5R HEROES !
and bored bored bored, dee gmah & i decided to sneak in arah gym. luckily ada ka zee, so aku suruh durang zati, qilah and liyana datang and we PLAYED !
sebelum match start, ada pembukaan. pembukaannya aku tergelincir masa membubut bola, pasal lantai basah bakas air aircond. as a result, sakit punggung + tangan kananku ngingis :)
so ada 5 people each group, pakai 2/3 of court, ngalih lah jua. merah jua muka seorang-seorang, tapi worth it !
dee, gmah, kam, qilah, aku VERSUS liyana, zati, khalilah, ka zimah, mimin. fair and square, and both scored saja hahah =D which means, handal lah both teams, ndaja ? and kami ada "goal post" yang menshoot tutup mata (si kam) and speednya terlampau laju, ngalihku menguyung, aku ni nda jua kurus kali ah bolehhh :8D
siuk eh, si gmah tergolek-golek menangkap bola, tudung si qilah tebuka, dee and liyana bergusti tangah-tangah court, zati mcm toyol di mana-mana, liyana pun sama, si dee bekaki ayam/beselipar belari mengambil bola and aku ... macam biasa.
inda dapat stop ketawa and beteriak. so sakit parut, muka merah, malas bubut bola, malas defend. HEHEHEH SORRY
overall, GREAT GAME ! kirakan ani macam the best game in november
and it's better if ada full team datang but it's ok, inda jua dapat paksa =D
dragon <3
aku mau main hockey tapi takpelah
so, aku mau main netball and belon berisi air sama 5R guys girls. hopefully on 30th nov
so bye :)
thanks for today, girls ! <3
Get your umbrellas ready!
하루가 또 이렇게 흘러가요
그대의 뒷모습이 보이네요
어떻게든 돌아보게 하고 싶지만
또 내 맘이 용기를 잃어요
무언가를 잊어보려 하나 봐요
그 한 숨이 내 귀를 스칠 때마다
말해주고 싶어 손을 잡아주고 싶어
어떤 일이 그대를 아프게 한다고 해도
웃음지으며 모두 털어내고 싶을 때
혼자 있기가 두렵고 외로울 때
아무 말 없이 함께해줄 사람
내가 되었으면 해요
바쁘게 긴 시간을 보냈나요
눈물이 흐르는걸 참았나요
참 힘들기만 해 살아가야만 하는 게
이런 맘이 그대를 아프게 한다고 해도
웃음지으며 모두 털어내고 싶을 때
혼자 있기가 두렵고 외로 때
아무 말 없이 함께해줄 사람
내가 되었으면 해요
헤매이다 잠시 멈춰 섰나요
지난날의 꿈에서 좀 더 멀어졌나요
그 자리엔 다른 꿈이 생기겠죠
아직 많은 일이 그대를 아프게 해도
눈물 흘리며 모두 털어내고 싶을 때
혼자 있기가 두렵고 외로울 때
아무 말 없이 위로가 될 사람
내가 되었으면 해요
내가 되었으면 해요
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
so beautiful my girls... not!

I love you means this can’t be
I love you, I love you
I love you’s the only beginning
I love you, I love you
I love you, this ain’t the end
I love you, I love you
I love you’s the only beginning
banarnya, it's not the right time YET to be sad but yeah ..... dapat rasa sadness sudah :(
T1C, nada close friends di sini, not even one, that's SAD !
chem, free time, maths, biology, english
at least aku ada betamu sama qilah masa free time and maths. and gmah arah ... entah apakah. somehow aku menyasal ambil english pasal my classmates ... though inda ramai, tapi indaku biasa. like come on, siapa menyusun ah ? one word for you : RANDOM :)
honestly, i don't really like you but no, i don't hate you. you're a good girl gone bad. and yes, stop slouching :)
today, someone talked to me :)
i hate surprises but this one .... i like.
my new quote :
okay. aku rasa lain macam malam ani, rasa macam kan losing something precious, or even/maybe someone. weird feeling ...
(pernah rasa?)
somehow, aku a bit disappointed with a lot of things + people
but that's alright. i'm bored with this game, guess that's why they call it a board game (it's a lyric dari parody love the way you lie yg "...pain...guess thats why they call it a window pane"
..... i think it's funny so yeaaaargh
i have a dream, which no one knows about it
i'm not making any sense here, guess i'm not ok
i want bruno mars
girls are annoying, boys are damn cruel !
pucuk paku belimbing besi,
anak sembilang di tapak tangan,
tahun depan berjumpa lagi,
diharap kita sombonglah jangan :)
anak kera bersama ibunya,
anak buaya berenang di sungai,
kalau terjumpa dimana-mana,
jangantah takut kan cakap hai :D
anak muda ada jambul,
jambul cantik melentik pula,
maritah ketani bermain netball,
lama sudah inda migang bola =)
daun selasih dilipat tiga,
disusun di atas peti besi,
mudah-mudahantah dapat ketani semua,
keputusan cemerlang berseri-seri =D
semua pantun adalah ciptaan saya, hak cipta terpelihara, seperti memelihara kucing siam atau munchkin.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
because they are my platinum
hai! :) assalamualaikum you all :)
let's talk about kemarin :) oh yeaaah kemarin kami liat harry potter! :D haha! siuk lah jua cali ah~ ada some ku tepakai! hahaha! but rating ku 5.5/10. sorry bcus hmm entah macam i keboringan sikit :( haha! apa nya dorang~ aku inda menghayati bah tu :p so yeah yang ada me,liyy,dee,zati,farah,siti pipah,gee,adinya,zeerul,farhan and atif :) it was fun lah :) haha! kami nampak butt crack! i like toh! it cracked me up like a cracking butt :p HAHAHAHAH. si dee tu matanya terlampau tarang kalah pelita :p hahah apaan :P
so yeah today kami balikkan buku :) barat nyamu buku teks bnyk ah~ mun di timbang wah,buku atu lagi barat dari aku tu :'( haha! bnr~ :P biasa urang langsing~ ceeeh :P HAHAHAH! so yeah lapastu ada sad news. kami becarai :') awww guys im gna miss u all like so freaking bad :'( mesti hangout sama2 masih ah~ jangan ambung! aku sayang kamu semua berabis like sangat2 kalah aku cinta makanan :'( there i said it :') sorry if aku slalu larak and annoying and jahat or apa2 rah kamu~ and thank u for every single litte thing! big jantah little sja :P haha nada wah~ thank u for everything guys :D u know i love u u know u i care just shout whenever then i'll be there~ seeeeh hahahaha! apaan aku ane eh! :s
AND THEN TADI THE GUYS LAWAN BOLA :D siuk mliat! kami datang untuk menyokong kamu! bangga tah nah~ hehe. kami triyak2 lagi! :) but yeaaah malangnya seri tah jua :( 2-2! but yeah at least u guys did very well :) congrats guyss! u made us proud :'D
so i guess ane sja lah ah~ skit jari jemari yang lawa bagas ku manicure :P haha nada deyh ;) baaaaah sorry aku talk crap macam biasa~ perasan cali bah aku ane! hahaha see nah ketawa sendiri tapi inda cali --' sinting :P hahaha okay okay bah stop! :D
bah assalamualaikum~
thanks for reading :)
keep this blog alive walaupun inda seklass next year
i love you 4 AND 5 ARSES 2009/2010
<3 bcus real friends stick together through any reasons that may come upon us
kurr ;)
Monday, November 22, 2010
you you you, ily $_$
Friday, November 19, 2010
I am happy, so happy that i forgot to check pyp for the questions on inheritance. Oh !
After this :
- ROTATION ATTACHMENT AT RIPAS (not yet confirmed though !)
....... and i'm damn ready to kiss everyone's aRses ! well, inda pulang. i mean , yeaaah you got me
raaa raaa raaa ah ah, mum mum mum mah
I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD ! (p/s : dyou know that our king is the 2nd wealthiest king in the world ? proud eh)
happy ku ni, nampak 168 batang gigi (32 + gigi kamu, random kiraanku btw)
malam ini, gue bisa tidur enak dong ! syurgaaaaa ~ over.
oh, TERIMA KASIH to the posts di bawah yg pasal the karangan thing, i join lagi next yr so why don't you people join jua, manang sama-sama, AMIN ! lanja sama-sama gahahahahaha
bah, aku kan jalan ke ms ni. Hahahaha bye love you lots like jelly tots. (hujan ah, apani. EH RAHMAT JUA TU AH =D )
Bah, see you. Jangan lupa 23rd balikkan buku so SIAPA TERTAPAU TEXTBOOK GEOGRAPHY KU, PULANGKAN KEPADA KU, pulangkan cinta hatiku...oh hentikanlah menghantuiku, pulangkan oh pulangkanlah padaku ~ *cough* ok, menyanyi tia pulang.
BYE NIGGAZ, yo mama so fat, when she sits on a sofa, she creates a shape of mushroom on it :3
enough of rascism, bye.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
i got got got your back boy
today is hari raya korban. so dengan kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya korban mohon maaf binatang2 sekalian :) hehe. wait is that the right sentence? i bet no :P hahaha.
so yeaa pagi-pagi tadi my family makan nasi briyani! wahhh sedaaap punya~ i like toh :D and patang nya we got physics :( spoiler but tadi physics alhamdulillah syukur nikmat keatas tuhan yang memberi rahmat ;D hehehe. oh yeah i would like to congratulate SARR LAB,ZATI NAFF AND DEE BUL kerana memenangi hadiah loteri sebanyak beribu2 ringgit~ iiihhh salah~ haram tau beloteri :P haha atu kerana memenangi peraduan karangan sumthing2 ;) im really proud of u guys :D love you!
SARR LAB terima kasih u belanja us just now junkies, kanyang jua parut yang sudah kanyang sebelum nya ane~ hehehe. and siti pipah jua tadi bwa tart THANK YOU! ;) nyaman yo tart mu ah apatah lagi kelupis sama bagedal mu :P hahaha menyempati~ apatah lagi sedekah tah me ane since aku meng advert ah :P HAHAHA!
tonight's dinner sama familyy! yea i love my family so much except that abang's missing ia di singapore ada kursus sumthing~incomplete rasanya the dinner table ah :') awww, bang selamat hari raya haji,we miss you :') and to my sister tersayang, ELEENA BINTI HAJI ANUAR, HAPPY BIRTHDAAAY! kaka tua sudaah hehe. and ka mudahantah baby dalam parut kaka atu jadi anak yang soleh and pandai berabis mcm emma and aleiya~ hehe and handsome also cute and berperangai mulia ;) weseh~ may god bless u ka! loveee you family <3<3
i guess i wanna stop now, mcm be speech tah ku pulang di sni ane~ asteeee! btw i cant wait for monday! harry potter! yeaaaa :D :D
bah to everyone,
kur ;)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I know you miss me ;)
kimchi the kiss alai :)

Katy Perry - Firework
next song that i love the most is this :') come on girls let us burst our true colours ;) hehe
Friday, November 12, 2010
i feel so.... uhm, *farts*

Miley Cyrus - The Big Bang - Official Music Video (Rock Mafia)
rock mafia-the big bang :)
Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart - European Single
so this is who own my heart by miley cyrus as promised :) happy mendengarnya~ ;D
*who owns my heart is it love or is it hurt* ahahha sampat lagi tu :P
i see you baby, shaking that ass
so today's paper was a maths 2. alhamdulillah it was better than the first paper. okay hahah slajur2 pasal paper~ so palau one. haha. so apa khabar? apa ada buii?-----> typical questions :P hehe.
so, olevel's about to end,3 more papers to go. MCQs baby! mudahantah sanang hantap,amin ya allah :) hmm apa lagi ah~~ oh yeaaah HANGHY POTTEGH inda lagi btah premier :D weheeeee, i like toohhhhhz ;) so looking forward for that :) gna watch it with the gengs and 'kawan lama'. hehehe. kalau jadi :p kalau pulang gnya tu baru :)
im supposed to be sleeping now but this damn eyes of mine doesnt wanna shut! shissssh tutup wah mata tutup!* sak li kau eh!-----> again another typical bruneian teenagers' slang :) im actually talking crap here mcm apa~----> and another one. hahaha.
so yeah i cofounded a new song which was the big bang by rock mafia. lawa lagunya i suka benerrr~ hehe. famous sudah now i think~ abang rannil pulang tu memperkenalkan and also lagu who owns my heart by miley cyrus :) later i post both of the vids lah~ :D
okay what more can i say~~ hmmm..hmm.. oh tadi the car punya aircond kata babah abis angin~ so mcm panas balik periksa :s atu ya bad mood slajur nasib tadi di radio ada lagu just the way you are yang buat ku calm SIKIT. heee.and and IM HUNGRY! :((
bah eh ane sja kli ah~ mcm crap bnar wah apa ku tulis ane. well yea crap is RUGGED! apaan?-----> and another one. HAHAHA. so i gues i'll stop here. bah jangan stress stress teman-teman,jangan marah2 apa nya urang 'elekshaaaa'------> and again another one :p HAHAHAHA.
bah i'll stop here! sorry aku talk nonsense~ buing bah alai~ nada kan di buat di liat di renung di makan di fikirkan di..hmmm smua yang ada 'di' lah dapanyaa si dee pun masuk ne :P hahaha get it get it? okay LAMEEE! bah byeee u and u and u and u and u and u and u and u and u and u. yang lain go to hell! haha nada deyh :) bah byeee.
kur ;)
Friday, November 5, 2010
apa apa apaaa~ duapuluhsatu! lame =_=
As if it were nothing, you kiss her
You spray the cologne I gave you and embrace her
You'll probably repeat those promises you made to me with her
[Minzy] It seems that we're already too late
Has our love already ended
Please at least say anything to me
We truly loved each other, can't turn back?
[Dara] I'm the only one hurting tonight
[Bom] Have you changed?
Am I no longer in your heart now?
When I, I think about you
It hurts, hurts, hurts so much
[Minzy] You look at my tears as if it were nothing
You continue to talk calmly again
[CL] You told me cruely that you couldn't deny
That you had absolutely no attachments or regrets
[Bom] Are we already too late? Is our love over?
Even if it's a lie, please tell me it isn't so
I can do better now, though we can't meet again
[Dara] I'm the only one in pain tonight
[CL] Have you changed?
Am I no longer in your heart now?
When I, I think about you
It hurts, hurts, hurts so much
[Minzy] You're no longer your old self
[CL] Because the you I loved
And the you now are so different
[Dara] Are you that shocked?
I just stood and cried
Watching you become further away
[Bom] No way, I can't recognize
You're not mine anymore
[Dara] Did you have to change?
Can't you come back?
Did you really have to change?
Can't you come back?
Did you have to change?
Can't you come back?
Why did you have to change?
Can't you keep loving me?
[Bom] Oh, is this the end?
Am I no longer in your heart now?
When I, I think about you
[Minzy] It hurts, hurts, hurts so much
[Minzy] It hurts, it hurts
[CL] It hurts, it hurts
Uh… doctor?
This story right here I’m about to tell
You are not supposed to tell nobody
I never told this to anyone
So you kinda have to promise me that
We should keep this secret, ok?
Let me explain how sick I am
I think I’m sick
I think she’s the cause
She’s like a flower,
Just like a rose that’s in a pretty garden, so beautiful
I want to trim her and smell her aroma
I want to keep her to myself
But in reality all I can do is
Call her as a friend.
I know, I’m an idiot and a coward
I vowed to forget you and yet I worry about you
It’s because, you’re the reason why the world’s so beautiful
Your smile melts me away, you’re the cure for my broken heart.
My love’s so pitiful for meeting the wrong master
Even though it hurts, Heart please take care of her
If you need to then use me
So doctor, what’s the name of the disease?
It’s called Love Sick, it hurts so much
It’s hard to endure so I need a doctor
It’s because I’m Love Sick, it hurts so much
You’re so cruel for not understanding how I feel
I think I’m Love Sick, it hurts so much
It’s hard to endure so I need a doctor
It’s because I’m Love Sick, it hurts so much
You’re so cruel for not understanding how I feel
Love Sick, I think I’m Love Sick, Love Sick
Love Sick, I need a love doctor
(Where does it hurt?) My heart’s frustrated
I want to hear her voice and heart’s all stiff
(And…?) When I close eyes, I dream about her
When I wake up, I open my eyes along with tears.
So doctor, is this an incurable disease?
Is looking at her all I can do?
Even that’s fine, only if I could see her
I would be fine if I could see her, even for a moment would be fine
Can’t look at her too often since it might be a burden
Can’t even confess since it might get awkward
And did you know that I have to endure my heart getting burned to ash all by myself?
I can’t feel this excitement or happiness
Because I gave it all of it to you…
Ah, don’t have the strength to talk…
I’m sorry doctor
But what’s the name of the disease again?
gila lovesick banar, sampai mati wah! HAHAHAH~ XD